The American Dream Isn't For Black Millennials  [The New York Times]

The American Dream Isn't For Black Millennials [The New York Times]

The American dream, the idea that anyone can succeed through hard work, is one of the most enduring myths in this country. And one of its most prominent falsehoods. As I entered my 30s, still navigating what achieving the dream would mean, I wondered what other black millennials were feeling. I wanted to figure out what my generation of black Americans thought about the promise of the American dream and how we can attain it.

“I’m Doing Great”: A Black Millennial On His $100,000 Student Debt [Buzzfeed]

“I’m Doing Great”: A Black Millennial On His $100,000 Student Debt [Buzzfeed]

My Boyfriend is White and Rich, I'm Neither [Glamour]

My Boyfriend is White and Rich, I'm Neither [Glamour]